Waste processing appliances created by Flycatcher Technologies, process organic waste (about 70% of urban waste) into cleaner resources: biogas and organic fertilizer. These appliances are installed at the source of waste generation, providing users direct economic benefits for their efforts. Biogas is used for cooking or heating and organic fertilizer is the best food for growing plants and vegetables.

Flycatcher Technologies provides organic waste processing appliances, in the form of Dedko and Rhino Biodigesters, that are suitable for individual urban homes and organizations (restaurants, hotels and cafeterias). The users enjoy a sanitary method for waste disposal, renewable biogas as cooking fuel and organic fertilizer for plants. The community benefits immensely through reduced health-care and waste disposal costs. The appliances are designed for large-scale deployment and are easy to install and service.

The innovation


This technology is successfully operating in one of the most densely populated places in the world – Mumbai, India. It has enabled users to hygienically process their own organic waste from the convenience of a balcony. They have an incentive to sustain the operation as they enjoy benefits in the form of clean cooking fuel and organic fertilizer. The high standards of sanitation, ease of use and minimal space requirements appeal to customers and take the burden off the municipal authorities. Some of the salient features include: in-situ processing of waste, decentralized deployment, no smell, no press ingress and more.

Environmental Impact


Biodigestion of organic waste in-situ, helps to reduce the air, water, land pollution and thereby diseases caused.



Installation of such biodigesters stimulates local livelihoods (due to decentralized operation model).



It generates clean cooking gas and save on fuel cost. Fertilizers produced as a result is an added plus.

waste disposal
organic fertilizer
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 Grantee of UnLtd India
 Recognized by Vadodara Innovation Council